We've been selling directly to consumers around the world. More than 40% of our orders are return customers. Most orders come from customers just like you – people looking to label their stockpiles of slim CD cases. But some of our biggest customers include:
Here is what some of our customers have said about our product (testimonials used by permission).
"I really like your product and it has helped so much in my business. I do video transfers and I have shelves of slim jewel cases with the spines all with your labels (see the attached photos). I kept sticking with the old fat jewel cases because I thought I will never be able to ID a customer's order if they wanted copies, but then I found you!"
- Terry, Centerville, MA
"I received my slimspine labels and was very, very pleased with the results when I printed them. They printed and fit perfectly into the CD cases that I was using. I will recommend them to any and everyone that I know. It is a wonder that it took so long for someone to come up with this idea. To me this is the best thing since sliced bread!! I will definitely be ordering more because they are very easy and simple to use. Once again, thanks and keep up the good work!"
- James, Norfolk, VA
"WOW!!!! The labels work great and look great! I received the 'new' labels without the CD/DVD check box. The added space for text is a plus. I am completely satisfied with them."
- Laurie, Churubusco, IN
"...mounting on the inside of the jewel case for the labels is just such an ingenious design. It's so much easier to line it up with the spine than some sticker. Also, by being on the inside, the label is protected ;o. The minute I started using them, I was just so impressed that I had to send an email, lol."
- Aaron, Sparks, NV
"I stumbled upon your website as an ad during a search. Your site and labels were exactly what I needed. The labels are awesome and I appreciate the product!"
- John W., San Antonio, TX
"I've used the externally-mounted stickers in the past from Verbatim but had problems getting them to line up properly. I then found you through a post on a message board. I only ordered 50 labels at first so I could try the product, but I have about 400 more CD's of information and design files backed up that I need to label (and that's aside from my music discs!). It took me a few minutes to figure out how to mount the labels properly, but once I did I realized how easy it was and how well it worked, so I'll be purchasing more. You clearly thought 'outside the box' with this product and certainly accomplished a lot with such a small area to label... I never thought it was possible. It seems like this should have been around long ago! Thanks for making my life easier. Oh, and kudos to the user from Quebec for figuring out the Word doc/mail merge thing! I'll have to try that."
- Steve, East Providence, RI
"Hi, I just began to use your product and I LOVE IT. I was using standard address labels which I printed 5 lines on each, then used a knife to cut the label into five small spine labels. I’m saving so much time with CDSlimSpine!! And it looks better too! The only thing now, is I have about 600 cases I want to peel off the old label and use yours! Every package of slim cases should include your labels!! I’m using the labels with a template I made on Microsoft Word, in that way I can use mail merge to get the data from my database and fill the labels. Thanks and keep up the good work."
- Michel, Longueuil, Quebec
(Michel, thanks so much for the message, and nice job setting up the Word template to link to the information from your database. That's an idea worth sharing with other users!)
"Just wanted to let you people know how much I like your product. It has made the job of labeling the spine a treat. Thank you."
- Vaughn, Evanston, IA
"Hello there CD Slimspine. I run a business videotaping weddings and making lots and lots of DVD duplications. Your product is just what I was looking for, and it has finally made the use of slim DVD's perfect for high-volume disc duplication. I've tried external stickers before but this is so much more professional! You'll be hearing from me again!"
- Roger, Portland, OR
"Where have you been all my life?"
- Amanda, Yonkers, NY